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Submit a Fish Line

The submitting investigator is asked to meet the following terms and conditions for any strain submitted to and accepted by the China Zebrafish Resource Center (CZRC). Please be sure to read our Guidelines for Submitting Fish first.

  1. You have the authority (or have authorization from your institution if applicable) to release your fish strain to CZRC for further distribution.
  2. You agree that the fish strain is provided without encumbrances or restrictions that would prevent further distribution by the CZRC to qualified and authorized not-for-profit research investigators requesting this fish strain from the Resource Center.
  3. CZRC accepts the fish strain "as is", and you do not offer any guarantees of any kind.
  4. For each strain, you agree to provide 5 identified, healthy, and breedable pairs (5 males and 5 females).
  5. You agree to maintain the strain in your laboratory until the Resource Center has successfully bred and recovered the strain in the next generation.
  6. You agree to cover the cost of preparation, importation, and shipment of your fish strain to the Resource Center.

The China Zebrafish Resource Center is committed to working with you to ensure successful transition of your valuable fish strain to CZRC. We will work closely with you throughout this process. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our online form or call 86 27 6878 0570.