• 基准单价:
    Commercial:¥2600(Adults)/Unit  ¥1600(Embryos)/Unit  ¥6000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
    Non-commercial:¥1300(Adults)/Unit  ¥800(Embryos)/Unit  ¥3000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
    Price Detail
  • The CZRC is a non-profit organization. The prices we charge for products and services are to offset some of the actual costs we incur.
  • Please acknowledge the CZRC in all publications resulting from the materials and/or services we are providing to you. Thank you!
CZRZ Catalog ID: CZ24
Availability: Frozen sperm
Genotype: lhx1aihb25/+
Affected Gene: lhx1(alim1, lim1a, wu:fe25d04, wu:fj36b06)
Genotyping: pdf
Genomic Feature Zygosity Parental Genotype Lab of Origin Construct
ihb25 heterozygous Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab
Background: AB Affectedgeneurl: unspecified Linetype: Mutant Previous Names: unspecified Background: AB Affectedgeneurl: unspecified Linetype: Mutant Previous Names: unspecified
133 bp to 136 bp of the wildtype lhx1a coding sequence, CGAG, is mutated into GTT. The mutated lhx1a codes for a protein containing 85 aa, in which only the sequence of the first 44 aa is identical to wildtype Lhx1a. The homozygous mutants die in the larvae stage.  Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab.