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    Commercial:¥2600(Adults)/Unit  ¥1600(Embryos)/Unit  ¥6000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
    Non-commercial:¥1300(Adults)/Unit  ¥800(Embryos)/Unit  ¥3000(Frozen sperm)/Unit  
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CZRZ Catalog ID: CZ316
Availability: Embryos/Adults
Genotype: igf2bihb170/+
Affected Gene: igf2b
Genotyping: pdf
Genomic Feature Zygosity Parental Genotype Lab of Origin Construct
ihb170 heterozygous Sun Lab
Background: AB Affectedgeneurl: unspecified Linetype: Mutant Previous Names: unspecified Background: AB Affectedgeneurl: unspecified Linetype: Mutant Previous Names: unspecified
Between 493bp to 499 bp of the wild-type igf2b coding sequence, 7bp is deleted in exon 4. The mutated igf2b codes for a truncated protein containing 209 aa, of which 212 aa are identical to wildtype igf2b